Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome to 2012

We are now a week in to 2012 and so far it doesn't seem like the end of the world. Unseasonably warm, yes. But end-of-the-world hot ... I don't think so.

2011 was a busy year; for me personally, in the region and here at city hall. In fact I was so busy that my last post was back in October which is pretty sad. So like everyone else I guess I'd better have a New Year's Resolution - I'm going to set a goal of one post every week. Let's see how it goes.

Looking back at 2011 there were a number of projects started, completed and celebrated. I believe the most significant  was the development of Council's new Strategic Plan. The plan sets out Council's values, priorities and goals for the balance of the term.

Some of the most important goals are aimed directly at reducing the need for future property tax increases by addressing the financial foundation and framework the city operates within. These goals are:

  • Develop a fiscal sustainability model
  • Prepare a post-annexation plan
  • Prepare a strategy to encourage industrial land development

The exercise of working through the Strategic Plan ensured that each council member and administration had a chance to develop a shared understanding of what our collective priorities were. This collective focus  is what enabled us to pass a 3 year budget that provides the lowest tax increases in a decade while still reinvesting in the infrastructure and services that our community needs.

In 2011 we did the big stuff. We set out our long term strategic goals and developed the budget that will provide the financial resources to work towards them over the next 3 years.

So what does that leave for 2012? That'll have to be next week's post...


  1. Hey Bill. I guess being out of high school in 1995 you probably can't remember much about what winter was like in your area before 1980. It wasn't what it is today, not remotely. And you can relax, the "end of the world hot" probably won't make it to your neighbourhood while you still draw breath. It is, however, already setting in at other places in the world which, in life's lottery, also tend to be the most vulnerable and the poorest.

    Your lily-white ass, however, is safely parked in one of the fortunate few countries that will be the "last and least" impacted by global warming. And, besides, those other people don't count, do they Bill?

  2. Mr. Sound ... it appears you have misinterpreted my comment as a reference to global warming, when in fact, It was actually a reference to the (mistaken) popular culture belief that the world will end in 2012 as predicted by the "end" of the Mayan calendar. You'll find no climate change denying on this blog. As for Canada being one of the "last and least" affected by global warming... I'm sure the Inuit would disagree as they are already seeing the impacts and are concerned for the survival of their culture. Unless you aren't counting them as Canadians?
