Last night at our regular council meeting we passed the budget for 2010 which was hashed out through our meeting on November 19th. (Full minutes
here.) This budget was originally to have a 6.5% increase from the previous year but it now it's only a 2.8% increase.
Over the last few years I've tried to pass on an inside look at the decision process that happens through the city budget discussions. (Check out last year's post
here and the year before that
Below are all the motions that were made to sort out what council would, and wouldn't, fund for 2010. There were a lot of mixed voted as council members chose which items to support and which where lower on their personal priority lists.
• MOVED by Alderman Given the Enforcement Services Administrative Support position be converted from casual to Permanent, with funding for benefits allocated within the existing department budget.
For: Aldermen Blackmore, Given, Gustafson, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan and Alderman Minhas
• MOVED by Alderman Rice the Grande Prairie Regional Emergency Partnership Program Coordinator position be converted from temporary to Permanent, with funding for benefits allocated within the existing department budget.
• MOVED by Alderman Given the Planning Assistant position be converted from temporary to Permanent, with funding for benefits allocated within the existing department budget.
• MOVED by Alderman Rice the Committee refer the Legislative Services Public Relations account to General Government Services Committee.
• MOVED by Alderman Wong the 2010 and 2011 Budgets be adjusted to add $40,000 per year and a total of up to $60,000 for “in-kind” support for the Wapiti Corridor Planning Group.
For: Aldermen Gustafson and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Given, Minhas, Radbourne, and Rice
• MOVED by Alderman Rice the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $15,000 funding for the Bear Creek Pool Operations.
For: Aldermen Gustafson, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Given and Minhas
• MOVED by Alderman Rice the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $112,760 funding for the South Peace Historical Restoration Society – Anglican Church Restoration Project.
For: Aldermen Blackmore, Given, Gustafson, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Minhas and Radbourne
• MOVED by Alderman Radbourne the 2010 and 2011 Budgets be adjusted to add $60,000 funding in each year and a further commitment of $60,000 for the next three years for Grande Prairie Minor Baseball – construction of diamonds at Evergreen Park.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Gustafson, Minhas, Radbourne and Rice
Against: Aldermen Blackmore, Given and Wong
• MOVED by Alderman Rice the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $50,000 funding for the Centre 2000 Building Renovation Project.
For: Aldermen Blackmore, Given, Gustafson, Minhas, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan
• MOVED by Alderman Given the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $75,000 funding for the Grande Prairie Live Theatre Roof Replacement Project.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Given, Minhas, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Alderman Gustafson
• MOVED by Alderman Blackmore Committee refer to the Council Committee of the Whole 2011 Budget review the request for six additional RCMP members, in the amount of $712,000.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, Minhas, Rice and Wong
Against: Aldermen Gustafson and Radbourne
• MOVED by Alderman Gustafson the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $118,660 to fund one additional RCMP member.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Gustafson, Radbourne, and Wong
Against: Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, Minhas and Rice
• MOVED by Alderman Wong the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $104,500 to fund a Forensic Identification Assistant and a PROS Review Assistant civilian positions within the RCMP Detachment.
• MOVED by Alderman Wong the 2010 Budget be adjusted to delete $400,000 for the RCMP Data Typing Pool program.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, Gustafson, Minhas, Radbourne and Wong
Against: Alderman Rice
• MOVED by Alderman Given the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $50,000 to fund STARS.
• MOVED by Alderman Rice the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $112,666 to fund the SPCA Contract, subject to funding from the County of Grande Prairie.
For: Aldermen Blackmore, Given, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Deimert, Gustafson Minhas and Radbourne
• MOVED by Alderman Rice the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $5,000 funding for the City’s 100th Anniversary Project.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Given, Gustafson, Minhas, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Alderman Deimert
• MOVED by Alderman Given the matter of identifying a capital project within the Muskoseepi Park Master Plan area as a potential 100th Anniversary Project be referred to General Government Services Committee.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Deimert, Given, Gustafson, Minhas, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Alderman Blackmore
• MOVED by Alderman Blackmore the Committee refer to Administration the matter of initiation of the development of the South Montrose Site Green Area as per the Downtown Enhancement Plan, using in-house resources.
•MOVED by Alderman Rice the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $55,000 to fund the purchase of a Zimek Decontamination Machine.
•MOVED by Alderman Blackmore the matter of purchasing a Zimek Decontamination Machine, for $55,000, be referred to Protective Services Committee.
For: Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, Gustafson, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan and Alderman Minhas
•MOVED by Alderman Rice the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $50,000 to fund the purchase of a Reverse Osmosis System for the ice within Canada Games Arena.
•MOVED by Alderman Given the matter of purchasing a Reverse Osmosis System for Canada Games Arena, for $50,000, be referred to Community Development Committee.
For: Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, Gustafson, Minhas, Radbourne and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan and Alderman Rice
• MOVED by Alderman Blackmore Committee refer to the Council Committee of the Whole 2011 Budget review the Dave Barr Arena Building Expansion Project, in the amount of $750,000.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, and Minhas
Against: Aldermen Gustafson, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
• MOVED by Alderman Deimert the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $60,000 funding for the Affordable Housing Master Plan RFP.
For: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, Radbourne, Rice and Wong
Against: Aldermen Gustafson and Minhas
• MOVED by Alderman Wong the 2010 Budget be adjusted to redirect $1.5 Million of Alberta Municipal Infrastructure Program (AMIP) funding for the Downtown 101 Avenue Couplet Project to other previously approved infrastructure capital projects that are funded by taxes.
For: Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Given, Gustafson, Minhas, Radbourne and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan and Alderman Rice
• MOVED by Alderman Wong the 2010 Budget be adjusted to add $35,000 funding for the Wapiti Corridor Planning Group.
For: Aldermen Given, Gustafson, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Minhas and Radbourne
•MOVED by Alderman Given the 2010 Budget be adjusted to reduce the Tax Revenue increase from $2.0 M to $1.5 M.
For: Aldermen Given, Rice and Wong
Against: Mayor Logan, Aldermen Blackmore, Deimert, Gustafson, Minhas and Radbourne
•MOVED by Alderman Given the Committee recommend Council approve the 2010 Operating and Capital Budgets as adjusted.