Monday, January 12, 2009

Easing into '09 Blogging

Ok, ok.. I'm back.

It's been quite a while since the last post, I hope everyone out there had a great time over the holidays! I think it's going to take a little time for me to get back in to the swing of regular posts so you'll have to excuse me if this post seems a little dis-jointed, let's just say I'm easing my way in to my 2009 blogging.

Tonight is our first full council meeting since December 15th and although things did slow down quite a bit over the holidays, there have still been meetings to go to. In fact, we ran right up to the holidays with a three hour meeting with the County of GP on December 23rd! My last meeting of 2008 was an Arctic Winter Games host society meeting on December 30th and the first meeting of '09 was on the 5th. Actually, looking back last week had 5 council related appointments and this week has 8 - so I guess we're fully back in the swing of things!

Speaking of being fully in the swing of thing; preparations for the Arctic Winter Games are well under way. If you want to keep up with the latest AWG happenings (no, not that AWG, I'm talking about this AWG) there is now an Arctic Winter Games blog to follow and you'll notice I've added the latest AWG news headlines to the right side of this blog.

In addition to the latest news, the AWG Blog has links to additional Arctic Winter Games resources and will play host to some special looks at the unique character of these games. It also has a handy feature that allows you to sign up to receive free email updates when ever the site is updated. (my blog also has the same feature, it's just over there on the right and side....)

Welcome to 2009!

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