Tuesday, October 2, 2007

World Record Walk Oct 3rd

Peace Country Health is inviting all of Grande Prairie to be part of an attempt to get in the Guinness Book of World Records.

I just received the email below explaing the "what" and "when" of the event. Its important to take a few minutes now and then to get active and a simple walk is an easy way to do it.

Thanks to PCH and their Health Promotion Coordinator Marcia Oliveira for organizing this!

The email:

" Have you ever wanted to be in the Guinness Book of World Records?

Here is your chance! On October 3 at 10:30am you are  invited to participate in the Walkolution!

Our goal, together with people from all across Canada is to break the world record for the most people walking 1km simultaneously. If you are wearing a pedometer 1km is approximately 1,250 steps.

Register now, grab your co-workers and go for a walk on Oct 3th!!!!!

See the website for more information, <http://www.worldrecordwalk.ca/english/default.asp>

Walking is a great way to be active and can easily fit into your day, here are a few ideas:

·         Instead of a coffee break, go for a walk

·         Have a walking meeting

·         Get out of the office to ponder an idea

Let's break the world record!!

Marcia Oliveira, MSc. Health Promotion

Health Promotion Facilitator

Peace Country Health"

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